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Oficina dos Baixinhos* - Blog sobre o hobbie LEGO® de um AFOL (Adult Fan Of LEGO) português. Relatos das construções, técnicas, críticas, pensamentos e afins sobre LEGO em Portugal e no mundo. *Antiga LegOficina
Aqui está a nova campanha da LEGO para uma nova geração de pessoas criativas...
Press release:
Today, the LEGO Group and musician Mark Ronson launch Rebuild The World, a campaign to help nurture the creative skills of the next generation.
Over 100 children will meet Mark and other inspiring figures, such as 19-year-old David Aguilar, who built several prosthetic arms from LEGO® elements, at the LEGO House, Billund, to explore the infinite potential of creativity. Their imaginations will also be fired up in a series of workshops, where they’ll be challenged to rebuild the world they see around them.
“My whole career has been about working with brilliant, creative people and seeing where our imaginations take us. Rebuild The World, is a wonderful opportunity to help inspire the next generation of creators who will come up with their own ideas to shape the future of everything from the way we live to the music we listen to,” explains Mark Ronson.
The LEGO Group believes that every child is born with incredible creative problem-solving capabilities, but we need to act now to nurture that creativity so that it can become a lifelong skill, as the future depends on it.
Inspiring creativity is more critical and urgent than ever. The World Economic Forum Future of Jobs Report places creative problem solving in the top three skills the job market will require from 2020. Imaginative play helps children learn how to innovate, problem solve and think critically throughout their lives.
Mark Ronson will also be joined by representatives from other creative fields to discuss why it’s more important than ever to help nurture creativity as a key skill so that the builders of tomorrow can succeed in an ever-changing world.
Julia Goldin, Chief Marketing Officer, The LEGO Group, said: “Rebuild The World is all about seeing where imagination takes us and celebrating the natural creativity of children. We want to encourage kids around the world to develop and retain these skills as they grow older. With this campaign, we want to inspire people of all ages to play and unleash their creativity to create a world of infinite possibilities.”
Meanwhile, British designer and inventor Dominic Wilcox will lead a series of Rebuilder Workshops on the 17th September. He, along with two other creatives, will challenge kids to reimagine iconic landmarks, invent new gadgets and solve everyday problems – all with LEGO bricks. Other LEGO professionals will lend a hand, helping the kids bring their incredible ideas to life.
“Who knows what will come out of today... a house with a hot air balloon for a roof? A car with long legs to jump over the traffic ahead? No one sees the world quite like children so we’re excited to see what they come up with,” says Dominic Wilcox.
Kids around the world can also take part by sharing their creations on the LEGO Life app or by visiting
The LEGO system has long been the ultimate platform for creative expression and creative problem solving. Children don’t just imagine what to build, they can build and rebuild. Experiment. Fail. Break the rules. Fail and Try again… This is the cycle of human creativity and the essence of the LEGO System in Play.
Now, we’re going even further. Through Rebuild The World, we want to inspire children to unleash their creativity, join the Rebuild The World challenge and rebuild a world of endless possibilities for real. Learn more by visiting
Created by the LEGO Group’s internal agency with BETC Paris, the Rebuild the World campaign is the most ambitious global brand campaign ever. Directed by the multi award-winning Traktor collective, the adventure follows the chase between a clever rabbit and an unlucky hunter and unfolds in the kind of world that only LEGO play could create. Every character, animal and vehicle is based on an existing or past LEGO toy, so heads spin 360 degrees, everyday objects are outsized, and a boat can suddenly fly with a little help from a palm tree.
About the LEGO Group:
The LEGO Group’s mission is to inspire and develop the builders of tomorrow through the power of play. The LEGO System in Play, with its foundation in LEGO bricks, allows children and fans to build and rebuild anything they can imagine.
The LEGO Group was founded in Billund, Denmark in 1932 by Ole Kirk Kristiansen, its name derived from the two Danish words LEg GOdt, which mean “Play Well”.
Today, the LEGO Group remains a family-owned company headquartered in Billund. However, its products are now sold in more than 140 countries worldwide. For more information:
Mark Ronson Biography:
Mark Ronson is an internationally renowned DJ and Academy-Award-winning, seven-time-Grammy-Award-winning and Golden Globe-winning artist and producer.
Ronson grew up in London, England before moving with his family to New York City. Already a keen student of music, and a huge fan of hip hop, he was 16 when he first began creating mixtapes and trying his hand at DJing. That early passion set him on a path to music production, recording and songwriting that has resulted in a career highlighted by work on a multi Grammy-winning album by Amy Winehouse, as well as his own Grammy-winning, global smash hit with Bruno Mars, "Uptown Funk." Along with releasing four successful albums under his own name, his resume includes work for some of music’s biggest names, including Adele, Paul McCartney, Duran Duran and Lily Allen. More recently, he helmed Lady Gaga’s acclaimed fifth album, Joanne and Queens Of The Stone Age’slauded Villains. In 2018 he released a string of singles with Diplo under the name Silk City, including the worldwide hit “Electricity” with Dua Lipa, which earned him a Grammy Award for “Best Dance Recording” in 2019.
He is a co-writer of the song “Shallow,” recorded by Lady Gaga and Bradley Cooper for the movie A Star Is Born, for which he earned an Academy Award for “Best Original Song,” a Golden Globe Award for “Best Song Written for a Motion Picture,” and 2 Grammy Awards.
Most recently Mark collaborated with Miley Cyrus, Camila Cabello, Lykke Li, YEBBA and more for his upcoming fifth studio album Late Night Feelings, which was released in June to rave reviews.
He operates his record label, Zelig Records, home to fast rising star King Princess. Ronson has 1 Academy Award, 7 Grammy Awards, 2 Brit Awards, 1 Golden Globe Award and more.
About David Aguilar
Since he was a child, David Aguilar was obsessed with LEGO bricks. He spent his childhood building cars, airplanes, helicopters and finally at just 9 years of age, his own prosthesis. Born with a deformed arm, the self-styled "Hand Solo" decided to take his LEGO building skills to the next level.
At seventeen years of age and at a difficult time in his life, he invented his first prosthesis with LEGO Technic elements, dismantling a helicopter from his bedroom shelf. Then at eighteen years of age he perfected his design, and using an airplane LEGO Technic model whose landing gear engine allowed him to take on more weight he designed the MK2 - a prosthetic arm that can bend and lift objects with a clamp. Now, he's the coolest kid on the block and continues to rebuild his world.
Peter Reid (um dos autores do livro LEGO Space) criou esta simpática consola baseada no filme Matrix para uma publicidade de um site de acessórios de minifig (e não só), a Minifig for Life.
No entanto não deixem de ver a publicidade, está simplesmente espectacular e cheia de piada!
De vez em quando tropeço em alguns sites bem interessantes sobre este hobby. Desta vez foi o The History of LEGO Commercials que aborda a história dos spots televisivos da LEGO. Além dos vídeos e comentários sobre os mesmos, o autor organizou os vídeos por épocas e áreas e dá uma pequena introdução histórica (da LEGO) para melhor compreender-mos o contexto.
Por exemplo, este é o mais antigo comercial (cerca de 1957-58) que está no site. Adorei o pormenor do vestuário e mobiliário da época; do curioso que é uma pessoa estar a fumar cachimbo numa publicidade para crianças(?); da demonstração da resistência das peças ao pisarem um edifício; e no apelo ao hobby para adultos nas duas sequências finais.
O site ainda está incompleto, mesmo tendo em atenção ao que foi criado no século passado. A última atualização é de 2011, o que pode indicar que este projeto interessantíssimo ficou pelo caminho :(
A publicidade da LEGO por vezes consegue mesmo tocar no ponto.
O IcePick colocou esta lindíssima publicidade da LEGO no Fórum 0937 e como me senti completamente identificado.. passei para aqui :D
No outro dia vi no canal Panda a versão em português desta publicidade a conjuntos do LEGO Agents.
Estranhei estar acompanhada de um "aviso" da exclusividade das grandes superfícies da Sonae, porque pelo que sei, ambos os produtos também estão disponíveis na Shop@Home para Portugal. Mas nem é tanto a exclusividade ou falta dela que me impressiona.. é ficar com a impressão que essa exclusividade é que tornou a publicidade possível num canal português...
Considero o 7036 - Mina dos Anões um dos melhores sets castelo de sempre. Foi com agrado que descobri este divertido comercial inteiramente dedicado ao conjunto :)
No Fórum 0937 o lfaria "traduziu" o conteúdo da mensagem desta placa:
O brick diz "The Source". Os planetas, da esquerda para a Direita: "Gnarled Forest"; "Forbidden Valley"; "Pet Rock"; "Avant Gardens"; "Zorillo Station".
Por outro lado as letras "esbatidas" são a E W S e N que tanto podem signifircar News como os pontos cardeais.
O nome dos planetas já apontam para qual é o produto que a LEGO pretende promover com esta acção viral :)
Através do Classic-Town descobri esta imagem (confesso que não pesquisei muito o site da publicidade viral)!
(clicar para ver maior)
Dá para perceber que é uma versão da famosa placa (imagem) que seguia junto das Voyagers.
Se tivesse tempo adoraria tentar decifrar o sentido :D
Tudo indica que seja uma campanha viral da LEGO.. falta saber a quê! :D